Building A Tong Ren Practice


Now that you know the protocols of Tong Ren Therapy.  Have seen positive results.

Do you want to expand your practice?  Do you want to make more of a difference?  Do you want to bring $ energy into your life at the same time?  Are you puzzled and confused about how to go about it.  This is a chance to kick it up and come up with a plan that works for you.

Time Dates:  Thursday May 2 and 9, 2024 / 7:30pm - 9:00pm ET

These calls will be recorded for those who wish to listen again or can't make it in real time.  Questions can be submitted prior or post event. 

This will be an information session with  time to answer your questions.  While the whole idea is overwhelming, this will be broken down into a plan that you can work with.  This will also help you decide what is best for you.
